
Ted Cruz Shuts Down Kathy Griffin After Hollywood Star Threatened The United States of America

Hollywood star Kathy Griffin is facing some serious pushback after she seemed to threaten the United States of America, the most successful, powerful, and generous nation in history, on social media.

Griffin tried to walk back her comments after she was called out and in typical fashion tried to blame the Republicans for her blunder. Kathy said:

“If you don’t want a Civil War, vote for Democrats in November. If you do want Civil War, vote Republican.” She was immediately called out by reporter Kristina Wong who said: “This sounds like a threat.”

Kathy changed her tune and tried to blame ‘maga blue checks’ for her comments.

She said:

“You guys. The maga blue checks are at it again.

“Because they are constantly threatening Civil War, they are now trying to suggest that I am the one who is threatening a Civil War.

“Because you know, that’s my thing.”

Ted Cruz said:

“This is WRONG.

“Crazy Hollywood Leftie threatening ‘Civil War’ if Dems don’t win.

“Sadly, this is today’s Left: angry, hateful & violent.”

Christian author Jeremy Kappell said:

“The inherent message here couldn’t be more clear. If you don’t vote Democrat, there will be war.

“King George III had a similar message for the colonists just prior to our Independence.

“Don’t be bullied by Hollywood Propagandists.”

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