
More And More People Want Dr. Fauci Arrested After Learning About His Experiments

A movement is sweeping across Twitter demanding that Dr. Anthony Fauci get removed from his position as the country’s leading infectious disease expert.

People are furious now that it has been revealed that Fauci’s agency, the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, used taxpayer money to fund experiments on dogs – including one that seemed to trap beagles inside of cages so flies could devour them while another said the dogs were “de barked” before being given drugs and k illed.

Some of the most gut-churning incidents involved $375,000 given to a Tunisian research lab. At that African lab, puppies had their heads trapped in cages while sandflies were allowed to eat them alive for the sake of research. Images of the research show the puppies with their heads stuck in the cages that are filled with the furiously hungry bugs.

Another $1.8-million project was funded by NIH money. This one put 44 puppies through a “cordectomy,” which removes the dog’s vocal cords to stop them from barking. This experiment occurred in Menlo Park, California. After the surgery, the dogs were given lots of drugs and eventually k illed before being dissected in the name of science.

Conservative pundit, Melissa Tate, wrote on Twitter: “The fact that Fauci is still walking around free and is doing media appearances without a single “journalist” asking him about gain of function and #puppygate, is a true testament to how far gone this country is. God help us

Another critic, Bryan Dean Wright, tweeted: “If you’re angry about how Fauci uses puppies, just wait until you hear how he uses COVID vaccines on healthy kids.”

Now, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) is leading a group of twenty-four lawmakers demanding answers from Dr. Fauci. Based on the photos, Mace and her colleagues argue that the research funds were used to fund “cruel” experiments that were a “reprehensible misuse of taxpayer funds.”

“According to documents obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request by taxpayer watchdog group White Coat Waste Project, and subsequent media coverage, from October 2018 until February 2019, NIAID spent $1.86million in taxpayer funds on drug tests involving 44 beagle puppies,” the letter from lawmakers reads. “While documents state that the ostensible purpose of this study was to ‘provide data of suitable quality and integrity to support application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other regulatory agencies,’ the FDA itself has recently stated that it ‘does not mandate that human drugs be studied in dogs.”

Mace and her colleagues want Dr. Fauci to answer the following questions by November 19, 2021.

How many drug tests involving dogs have been funded by NIAID since January 2018? How much taxpayer money has been spent on this testing?

Since the Food and Drug Administration has clearly stated that it does not require dog testing for new drugs, why has NIAID continued to commission testing on dogs?

What has NIAID done to explore the use of non-canine and non-animal alternatives to meet FDA data requirements?

Has NIAID ever made any dogs available for adoption after the conclusion of an experiment or testing? If so, how many? If so, why not?

Why has NIAID contracted for cordectomies when they appear to be scientifically and medically unnecessary? What is the average cost for each cordectomy performed?

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