
Brittney Griner’s Wife Gives Grim Update On WNBA Star, Says Brittney Is “Not Well, She’s Losing It”

Brittney Griner’s wife Cherelle gave a bleak update to CNN’s Abby Phillips about the WNBA star’s time in a Russian prison. Phillips said:

“Cherelle Griner told me she had a good meeting with Biden. He gave her more confidence in the admin’s efforts to bring Brittney Griner home, ‘It allowed me to have confidence in what he’s doing right now.’

“Griner said Biden alluded to media coverage that reported the administration was prepared to swap at least on Russian imprisoned in the US for Griner and another detained American Paul Wheelan.

“But Biden did not get into specifics about the details of a swap.

“Cherelle’s sense after meeting with Biden was that negotiations have been very complex but that Biden is determined to get a deal done:

“I don’t think they have quite figured out exactly what Russia wants in return for BG.

“Cherelle has been exchanging letters from BG during her imprisonment in Russia.

“But recently those letters have taken a dark turn. “She’s not well,” Cherelle told me. “She’s losing it.”

On Friday Biden met with families of Russian hostages. Cherelle shared a picture with the following message:

“I want to thank President Biden for yesterday’s meeting as well as the Administration for its efforts to secure my wife’s release.

“It was an honor to speak with him directly about the Brittney we know and love. I’ve felt every minute of the grueling seven months without her. I look forward to the day my wife is back home.”

“As my family and I continue on this journey, I’d like to thank the broad coalition of friends, leaders and supporters who continue to stand with us and advocate for Brittney’s swift and safe return. Let’s share a unified commitment to bringing all Americans home to their families and loved ones.

“Together We Are BG.”

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