A Man Wants To Give Part Of Lottery Winnings To His Ex That Raises Their Kids, But His Girlfriend Gets Angry At Him
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Going through a divorce can be a truly painful experience, especially when children are involved. In such cases, most ex-couples try to get on well with one another for the sake of their kids, but that’s not always the case.
Recently, a Reddit user questioned whether he was right to want to share a portion of his lottery winnings with his ex-wife, who is also the mother of their two children. However, his girlfriend is angry at the idea of splitting the money. He wants to see what others think.
“Recently I won a large sum of money.” I won’t say exactly how much, but it’s in the millions. It seems ridiculous to me even because I suppress it enough to change my life and my family’s life.
“My ex-wife is the mother of my two children.” She is a wonderful woman and good to the bone. We divorced 6 years ago because I had an affair with my current partner. I was at a low point in my life and I failed. She was in incredible pain, but – like a saint – she allowed me to continue to see our children who mean the world to me, she allowed our divorce to be as painless as possible, despite the fact that I know it hurts her. She is still close to my parents. She respects me even though she refuses to talk to my girlfriend.
“She was actually the first person I called after my mum and she turned up after I found out I’d won the lottery. She was happy with me, she joked that I could take the kids on a trip around the world, and that was it. Nothing else. When I won, I knew I wanted to give her a substantial amount. I still love him. She is the mother of my babies and I feel like this is a small way to show her that I’m not a complete idiot. She deserves to know that I care despite my mistakes. She also works a menial job at a public library that pays her peanuts – she could actually pursue her hobbies that way. Give our children a better life among us. I haven’t discussed this with my ex yet, but I have with my parents who are very agreeable and my lawyer who was very surprised but ready.
“Long story short, when I told my girlfriend, she was furious. Screaming that I disrespected her, accusing me of still being in love with my ex-wife – I’m not in love with her. We are both separated, but of course I still love her because she was a great co-parenting partner and mother to my children. My girlfriend is thr3atening to break up with me and to be honest I feel very relieved about the thr3ats. I have no plans to change my plans. Am I making the right decision?”
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